About BBE

Business Boxing Eindhoven (BBE) was founded on March 1, 2023 on the initiative of Rick Polman, Koen van Bussel and Joris Roest.

BBE is a sporting initiative that aims to facilitate networking between entrepreneurs and professionals from the region. BBE helps women and men to work on their physical and mental health, while expanding their contacts in the Eindhoven area.

As a member of BBE, you can not only train three times a week (Monday morning 07:00-08:15, Wednesday 17:00-18:15 and Saturday 11:45-13:00), but also participate in monthly breakfast sessions, drinks or company visits.

Training together in a safe environment with lots of fun and helping each other on a business, personal and sporting level are our key words to success.

Visit the Business Boxing Eindhoven website: www.businessboxingeindhoven.nl