Information Foundation

Business Boksgala Eindhoven Foundation

Parklaan 64b



M: 06-14211346 (secr. J.A.G. Roest)


Chamber of Commerce number: 93066791

RSIN: 866264589

ANBI Status

The Foundation has had ANBI status since February 23, 2024.


The Board of the Foundation consists of at least three members and currently consists of the following persons.

Chairman: Mr. H.F. Polman

Treasurer: Mr. K.T.C. van Bussel

Secretary: Mr. J.A.G. Roest

The directors are jointly (with another director) authorized to represent the Foundation. The Foundation's directors do not receive any remuneration or other form of reimbursement for expenses.

Summary of policy plan

The Foundation's mission is to financially and/or otherwise support and promote (local and regional) public benefit institutions. In addition, the Foundation wants to promote boxing, stimulate a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the business community in Eindhoven.

The Foundation tries to realize its mission/vision by organizing Boxing Galas for entrepreneurs, managers and business professionals from the Eindhoven area, where the proceeds of the Boxing Gala are donated to previously selected charities. Prior to the Boxing Gala, participants will regularly follow boxing training via BBE.

The Foundation is not for profit. The Foundation's board does not receive any remuneration or other reimbursement for expenses


The Foundation's main source of income will consist of the contribution for the sponsor tables.

During the Boxing Gala, a total of 48 tables for 10 people will be available. Each participant must book a table for EUR 2,750 excluding VAT and for the other tables a contribution of EUR 3,500 excluding VAT is requested.

In addition to the proceeds from sponsored tables, the Foundation will try to attract additional sponsorship from the Eindhoven business community in the form of financial contributions or contributions in kind.

In addition to sponsorship for the Boxing Gala itself, sponsorship/donations can be attracted by the individual participants.

The Foundation may decide to offer one or more (places at) tables to sponsors, provided that the contribution of the sponsor in question is in proportion to the usual contribution for a table.


All funds collected during our boxing galas are strictly used for the organization of the Boxing Gala and for supporting the charities that we support. The proceeds of the Boxing Gala will therefore, with the exception of a limited reservation for a healthy organization, be donated in full to the selected charity.

The costs for organizing the Boxing Gala mainly consist of hall rental, costs for the dinner and refreshments, entertainment and boxing-related costs (boxing ring, boxing materials, ring doctor, jury, etc.).

The training sessions for the Boxing Gala are provided by BBE in collaboration with Boxing Association the Golden Gloves. In principle, these training sessions are fully paid for from the members' contribution to BBE. However, in connection with the organization of the Boxing Gala, BBE organizes additional training sessions. If BBE cannot pay for these additional training sessions from its own budget, it can be decided that the Foundation will contribute to the costs for the additional training sessions organized by BBE. This is then considered as costs for organizing the Boxing Gala. Like the Foundation, BBE is not a profit-making organization and any possible charging of costs for additional training sessions will always be at cost price.

The full policy plan can be found in the Dutch section.

Current activities

The Boxing Gala will be organized for the first time in 2024. The organization of this is already in full swing.

The participants will train for a period of 8 months from 1 April 2024 for the Boxing Gala that will take place on 9 November 2024 in the Van der Valk Hotel Eindhoven.

At the moment, 23 participants have registered for the Boxing Gala. Until 1 June 2024 at the latest, the Foundation will try to find even more participants in order to be able to absorb any mismatches or dropouts.

Financial reports

Financial transparency is of the utmost importance to us. Financial reports of the Foundation will be made public for stakeholders via this site.